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No Contact Service of Process

The increasing spread of the coronavirus is causing many people to become concerned about interacting with people as a general rule, especially people that you don’t know or have never met before. More and more restaurants and grocery stores are offering no contact deliveries. It is important that these concepts reach across the board to all personal services.

That should include service of process. No one should feel as though they are not safe, even if that safety is threatened by a virus rather than a person or natural hazard. You might think that legal service cannot be executed without contact, but there are some ways that we can create a contactless process.

First, it is required that the process server correctly identify and verify the identity of the individual to be served. That can be done without contact by the process server knocking on the door then stepping back to create distance. The ID can usually be made from that safe distance.

Second, the papers must be served. Before the process server knocks on the door, they could leave the papers where the individual can take them without closing the distance between them. To keep the papers from blowing away, process servers might want to use clips or a paperweight, which should be disinfected between uses.

Finally, the papers must be accepted. As long as identity has been confirmed and the process server has made the individual aware that their papers are waiting for them just outside the door, the process server can move away and return to their vehicle to maintain social distancing. If the individual fails to pick up the papers after the process server leaves, it is still considered an effective and valid service.

If you are concerned about the pandemic and want to do your part, contact us today for a no contact service of process.

We are here to serve

If you require service of process in Tampa, contact us today to learn how we can help.

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